
Janani Ambikapathy [Veer2 020 – If Not Theirs]
Rupsa Banerjee [Veer2 013 – Bracing Warmth]
Tom Betteridgev 
[Veer2 006 Mudchute]
Robert Burton [Veer2 002 – Annihilation, monopoly]
Fred Carter [Veer2 035 – Outages]
N.L Chaundler [Veer2 032 – Mother Jar]
Ellen Dillon [Veer2 011 – Butter Intervention]
Kat Dixon-Ward [Veer2 027 – Pond]
John Dunbar Kilburn [Veer2 039 The Idiotlect Dicktionary]
Tania Favela [Veer2 030  – Motion Towards No Place]
Annie Guo [Veer2 000  – Mangosteen Core]
Ali Graham [Veer2 019  – Shop Talk]
Dom Hale
[Veer2 004 – Civilian Lyrics]
Dominic Hand [Veer2 003 – SYMBIONT Veer2 041 – Buffer Zone]
Alan Hay [Veer2 033 – The Turn Out]
Kexin Huang [Veer2 025 – Unlock]
Trevor Joyce [Veer2 036 – Conspiracy]
Aaron Kent & John Welson [Veer2 023 – Requiem for Bioluminescence]
Robert Kiely [Veer2 014 – Gelpack Allegory]
Katy Lewis Hood [Veer2 008 – Bugbear]
Grace Linden [Veer2 022 – WELL]
Christodoulos Makris [Veer2 029 – Contemporaneous Brand Strategy Document]
Mira Mattar [Veer2 034 – And most of all I would miss]
Gizem Okulu [Veer2 007 – Now, Voyager]
Michał Kamil Piotrowski [Veer2 039 The Idiotlect Dicktionary]
Will Rowe [Veer2 030  – Motion Towards No Place]
Erica Scourti  [Veer2 038  – No to Self]
Ziddy Ibn Sharam [Veer2 024  – Working Museum]
Dolly Rae Star [Veer2 021  – Quest)ion)]
Rosie Snajdr [Veer2 005 – Whorl The Prudident Slipt]
Daniel Spicer [Veer2 009 – Bracken]
Fred Spoliar [Veer2 012 – Goodlands]
Verity Spott [Veer2 001 – Coronelles Set 1; Burner Veer 017 – Balconette; Burner Veer 023 – We Will Bury You]
Andy Spragg [Veer2 018  – OoP]
Cassandra Troyan [Veer2 017  – Against Capture]
Florence Uniacke [Veer2 028  – A Bolt of Lightning Collapses Into the Letter’s Cadaver - Speeches of Mary]
Naomi Weber [Veer2 026  – Women on Film]
Sam Weselowski [Veer2 031  – Triple Rainforest]
Sam Wilson Fletcher [Veer2 016  – NAPEN]

Catalogue by number:

Veer2 000 – Annie Guo – Mangosteen Core
Veer2 001 – Verity Spott – Coronelles Set 1
Veer2 002 – Robert Burton – Annihilation, monopoly
Veer2 003 – Dominic Hand – SYMBIONT
Veer2 004 – Dom Hale – Civilian Lyrics
Veer2 005 – Rosie Snajdr – Whorl The Prudident Slipt
Veer2 006 – Tom Betteridge - Mudchute
Veer2 007 – Gizem Okulu - Now, Voyager
Veer2 008 – Katy Lewis Hood – Bugbear
Veer2 009 – Daniel Spicer – Bracken
Veer2 011 – Ellen Dillon - Butter Intervention
Veer2 012 – Fred Spoliar - Goodlands
Veer2 013 – Rupsa Banerjee - Bracing Warmth
Veer2 014 – Robert Kiely - Gelpack Allegory
Veer2 016 – Sam Wilson Fletcher - NAPEN
Veer2 017 – Cassandra Troyan - Against Capture
Veer2 018 – Andy Spragg - OoP
Veer2 019 – Ali Graham - Shop Talk
Veer2 020 – Janani Ambikapathy - If Not Theirs
Veer2 021 – Dolly Rae Star – Quest)ion)
Veer2 022 – Grace Linden - WELL
Veer2 023 – Aaron Kent & John Welson - Requiem for Bioluminescence
Veer2 024 – Ziddy Ibn Sharam - Working Museum
Veer2 025 – Kexin Huang - Unlock
Veer2 026 – Naomi Weber - Women on Film
Veer2 027 – Kat Dixon-Ward - Pond
Veer2 028 Florence Uniacke - A Bolt of Lightning Collapses Into the Letter’s Cadaver - Speeches of Mary
Veer2 029 – Christodoulos Makris - Contemporaneous Brand Strategy Document
Veer2 030 – Tania Favela/Will Rowe - Motion Towards No Place
Veer2 031 – Sam Weselowski - Triple Rainforest
Veer2 032 – N.L Chaundler - Mother Jar
Veer2 033 – Alan Hay - The Turn Out
Veer2 034 – Mira Mattar - And most of all I would miss
Veer2 035 – Fred Carter - Outages
Veer2 036 – Trevor Joyce - Conspiracy
Veer2 038 – Erica Scourti - No to Self
Veer2 039 – Michał Kamil Piotrowski & John Dunbar Kilburn - The Idiotlect Dicktionary
Veer2 041 – Dominic Hand - Buffer Zone