Alan Hay - The Turn Out

Veer2 Publication 033 [ISBN: 978-1-911567-62-2] 5.5x8.5", Portrait. 110 pages. September 2024.
£10.00 (+ postage and packing)

Alan Hay - The Turn Out

'The Turn Out collects poems spanning around twenty years. They are poems of chaotic and various occasion; impressionist snapshots of social life. They engage in the facts of minute relations. Poems of friendship, comradery and scenes. Some of these poems have made scattered appearances in pamphlets, journals and magazines, but they belong together, and at last, here they are: against harm, desperate for love.'

This is part of a new series of Veer Books to be produced and published jointly in the University of Surrey and the CPRC, Birkbeck College.